In this recent video, Home Recording Made Easy walks us through all the features of the T-RackS Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip. Testing the plug-in on isolated vocal tracks, you'll learn how the 3 compressors work in parallel along with the onboard de-essor, reverbs, modulations and other controls to bring out the best in each vocal performance.
I'm always on the lookout for these kinds of tools that are a time saver, that are simple and musically, sound good. This is one of them!
Much like the IK Multimedia Sunset Sound, The Farm Stone Room and Fame Studios emulations are great, I would recommend that you check this out. This is a cool plug-in!
Find the Home Recording Made Easy YouTube channel HERE.
Loaded with presets, the Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip carefully recreates Joe's 3 ideal compressors, modeled using IK's industry-leading analog modeling and a brand-new parallel processing engine, all in one streamlined plug-in.
If you don't already have T-RackS, you can download T-RackS Custom Shop and start your 14-day free trial of the Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip within the program.

Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip