has published a complete review of Pianoverse, IK's breakthrough virtual piano instrument featuring cinematic effects. The article covers installation, CPU usage, the included pianos and effects, focusing on how Pianoverse compares to other piano sound libraries, which cost much more.
The highlights and a link to the full review are below.
In terms of sound, the samples capture and implement the character of each grand piano very well. The range of sounds is of course extremely wide due to the rooms and effects and goes far beyond what most piano libraries offer, but fortunately, this does not affect the authenticity of the sound, which is really convincing - even in the critical bass and treble ranges.
Klanglich hat man mit den Samples den Charakter der einzelnen Flügel sehr gut erfasst und umgesetzt. Die klangliche Bandbreite ist durch die Räume und Effekte natürlich extrem groß und geht weit darüber hinaus, was die meisten Piano-Bibliotheken so bieten, aber zum Glück leidet darunter nicht die klangliche Authentizität, die wirklich überzeugt - auch in den kritischen Bereichen im Bass und in den Höhen.
This is unique in the world of virtual grand piano software in this form and Pianoverse is a clear competitor to much more expensive piano libraries. It is worth trying it out to experience the authenticity and flexibility of Pianoverse for yourself.
Das ist sicherlich in der Welt der virtuellen Flügel-Software in dieser Form einmalig und man macht da deutlich teureren Piano-Bibliotheken mit Pinaoverse deutliche Konkurrenz. Ein Antesten lohnt sich um Authentizität und Flexibilität von Pianoverse einmal selber zu erfahren.
See the full Pianoverse review in German HERE.
Pianoverse offers the most expansive sonic palette available in a single virtual instrument. You can start with one or more pianos or go for the MAX or All-access subscription options and get all Pianoverse Pianos available now and those coming soon.
