In this new video from Sweetwater, Mitch Gallagher and Don Carr sit down and show what it takes to easily and reliably use TONEX Capture to create faithful, accurate captures of your favorite amp and cab settings. From there you can use your Tone Models as a plug-in inside your favorite DAW or move them to TONEX Pedal for live performance.
Always have your favorite tones wherever you are. Have a look.
Today we have the MESA/Boogie Mark VII which we love. I got it through 4x12 Rectifier cabinet and I decided to go with one simple mic.
Man, that's accurate! Really, really close and that's the default, not even going advanced. Yeah, man, that's crazy.
Find TONEX Capture at Sweetwater HERE.
TONEX Capture is available now and includes TONEX SE with 200 Premium Tone Models and unlimited Tone Model creation and downloads from ToneNET. Or purchase TONEX software by choosing between 3 affordable versions HERE.

TONEX Capture