In this video, Andrew Baena shares his thoughts on TONEX, both the plug-in version and the pedal. He demos them together using a capture of his own Revv 100P amp head, which you can find on ToneNET here.
If you like heavy tones and low-tuned guitars, check out how well TONEX handles it all.
It looks and feels premium. If you're already into the TONEX ecosystem, it's a no-brainer to grab this pedal.
I personally really like the ability to capture my physical amps and use them in a plug-in setting. And it's nice that I can now take that plug-in in a physical device to use live.
There are tons of awesome Tone Models on ToneNET. So if you're not looking to model or capture your own amps or pedals, you can download other people's or use the ones included.
Visit Andrew Baena on YouTube for more heavy tones.
Wherever you are, TONEX Pedal lets you choose from thousands of the world's most sought-after amps, cabs, and pedals – or your own gear, modeled in minutes – then gig with them right at your feet. You've never experienced this level of authenticity and realism in a pedal before.
